My life is in a place of in betweens. In July of 2010 I graduated with my Master’s Degree in Social Work. I was confronted with this vast future where I was no longer a student and had to be a grown up for the first time in my life. The end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of the next. I craved a change. I am 25 years old, not tied down and looking for a “grown up job” as my current boss jokingly refers to it. I figured now would be the best time in the world to do the one thing I have always wanted to do, move to the Northeast. So, I began looking for jobs online and applying. It is probably the scariest and most exciting thing I have ever done.

I am also trying to develop a healthier lifestyle. A little over three years ago I was told I am Borderline Insulin Resistant, which basically means I have an increased chance of developing diabetes when I am older. If you add on the fact that my grandmother is a full on diabetic, you can see how it might be cause for concern for me. I have been attempting to get my diet and exercise under control ever since. I have tried Atkins, Low Carb, and a Low Fat diet but with all of those I found myself failing more than I succeeded. Then I found SparkPeople. I have only been on it for a short while but I am learning how to build a healthy lifestyle, not just go on a diet. It gives me a place to track my nutrition, fitness and water consumption while helping me track my goals and provides support. I have also been able to turn other people onto the site!

I also want to change things about how I live my life. I want to be more open to relationships, be more spontaneous, and do many of the things I have always wanted to do. For a full list of these goals, go here.

So, that is where I am now. I hope whoever reads this enjoys the ride as much I hope I do.