There are so many things I want to do with my life. I always have a lot of great ideas, but I never write them down anywhere and then I forget or put them on the backburner because I think I just don’t have the time. I saw this project on another blog and thought it might be a good way to get myself motivated and actually accomplish some of the things I want to accomplish!

The Mission
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
I am list person, therefore, when I saw this concept on this blog, I thought it would be a great way to start out my new journey. I like the concept of having a list of things to accomplish in a little under three years. It allows you time to plan and do things in a realistic time frame.

101 in 1001 List
September 12, 2010 – May 19, 2013

1. Move out of my parent’s house
2. Go to a movie theatre to see a movie of my choice alone
3. Go out to eat alone at a nice restaurant
4. Buy myself flowers for no reason
5. Make a list of 50 things that make me happy
6. Make a list of 10 things that I like about myself
7. Wash a car by hand
8. Be comfortable with myself naked
9. Back up my laptop
10. Delete my Myspace
11. Clean out my closet and throw things away/sell things October 2010
12. Spring clean my entire room once a month for a year [0/12]
13. Take a walk in a park on a warm summer afternoon
14. Wake up when my alarm goes off every day for a month [0/30]
15. Write a song
16. Create a list of 100 must read books and read them
17. Learn how to use Photoshop
18. Watch Gone with the Wind
19. Subscribe to a Word of the Day Newsletter September 12, 2010
20. Incorporate the word of the day into my vocabulary every day for two months [0/60]
21. Do something spontaneous
22. Organize my bookmarks
23. List 5 things every week that made me happy for six months [0/6]
24. Make a list of TV shows I want to catch up on and complete the list
25. Make a poetry/quote book
26. Kiss in the rain
27. Learn to dance
28. Get a dog
29. Go on a date
30. Get into a serious relationship
31. Let someone in
32. Make my own jewelry
33. Join an organization
34. Wear a bikini on the beach
35. Develop a morning routine
36. Go star gazing
37. Visit New York City October 22, 2010
38. Visit the Atlantic Ocean
39. Visit Europe

School Related
40. Read one article a day about theory/behavioral problems in children every day for a month [0/30]
41. Go back to school for either a law degree or a Ph.D
42. Decide on a program/school
43. Apply for school

Family/Friends Related
44. Skype my parents at least once a week
45. Text my brother once a week
46. Communicate with my college friends at least once a month
47. Back up my music and give a copy to my Mom September 22, 2010

Financially Related
48. Find a job in the Northeast
49. Start a savings account and don’t let it close for a year Started on December 13, 2010
50. Start a ROTH IRA
51. Make a budget and stick to it for 6 months [0/6]
52. Pay my bills on time for six months [2/6]
53. Pay off my last semester of school Paid in full on February 28, 2011

Health Related
54. Get health insurance
55. Get back to a size 10
56. Begin to take a multivitamin regularly
57. Do Pilates twice a month for six months [0/12]
58. Do Yoga twice a month for six months [0/12]
59. Do Slim Down Video regularly for a month
60. Strength train regularly for 2 months
61. Walk 365 miles in 365 days [0/365]
62. Walk 2 miles a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
63. Walk 4 miles a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
64. Walk 6 miles a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
65. Walk 10 miles in one day
66. Run/Jog 1 mile a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
67. Run/Job 2 miles a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
68. Run/Jog 4 miles a day for 2 weeks [0/14]
69. Read one article about health a day for a month [0/30]
70. Go to bed at 11:00 every night for two weeks [0/14]
71. Do an activity outdoors once a week for a month [1/4]

Food Related
72. Stop drinking soda completely
73. Switch to regular tea instead of sweet tea
74. Drink 8 cups of water a day for one month straight [0/30]
75. Cut caffeine out of my diet completely
76. Eliminate white flour from my diet
77. Don’t eat fast food for an entire month [0/30]
78. Try 10 new dishes [0/10]

Beauty Related
79. Wear make-up when leaving the house/going out every day for a month [12/30]
80. Get a professional massage
81. Get contacts
82. Shower every day for a month [0/13]
83. Moisturize my body every day for a month [0/30]
84. Whiten my teeth with whitening strips [0/14]
85. Brush my teeth twice a day every day for a month [0/30]
86. Wash my face every day for a month [0/30]

For others and the world
87. Take my own bags to the grocery store
88. Learn how to decrease my carbon footprint
89. Buy a Hybrid Car
90. Leave an Operation Beautiful note somewhere
91. Donate $10 to charity a month for six months [0/6]
92. Start recycling at home
93. Learn how to make my own laundry soap

Blog Related
94. Tell my parents about Life According to my Parents
95. Start a personal Blog September 12, 2010, moved March 5, 2011
96. Get 10 subscribers
97. Learn how to take blog pictures
98. Write in a blog every day for two weeks [0/14]
99. Still be blogging one year from now

Things to Buy
100. A new wardrobe for a new me
101. A little black dress