I just finished reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I was reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes as well, but once I finished Alice, I HAD to read the second installment, Through The Looking Glass. I love these stories. It is a great little play on logic with Alice finding herself having to rely on logic to navigate this foreign and crazy land called Wonderland that she doesn’t quite belong to. I think it plays on the era in which it was written and how she did not fit into the society of the time and was looking for a place to call her own. Alice herself, although she sometimes loses her composure, is stubborn, brave, mature and determined. She handles a lot of the situations she is thrust into with just elegance and grace, a great quality for a child and great role model for other children.

During her journey, AliceĀ meets some of the most unique characters. I think those characters were actually my favorite part. They are all so deliciously crazy. Carroll found a way to give each of them their own unique voice, which I really enjoyed and was very impressed with.

Because I was such a huge fan of the movies, I thought I would know what to expect, but I found myself constantly flipping to the next page and the next wanting to know what would happen next. It really was a delightful story and if you have not read it, I would recommend it.

I am going to get back to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes now that I am finished with these two delightful stories and I will review on it next week! Oh, and before I go….NEW LIBRARY CARD!

My old one, which I have had since I was 8, was apparently deactivated. They wouldn’t let me keep it, which I am kind of sad about. (Again, I apologize for the sidewaysness. I am trying to figure out why it is doing that and how to fix it, I promise!)